
The defineHub function helps you define Hubs configuration for your Hono project. You can create multiple hubs in your project to manage different types of data. This takes an object of type HubConfig. You can define the db connector, collections, plugins, and other props. Here's an example of how to define a hub -


export default defineHub({
  collections: [...],
  plugins: [
      name: "hono-logger",
      bootstrap: (props) => new Hono().use("*", logger()).route("/",,

The defineHub function returns an object of type SanitizedHub, which populates the config with default values.


db (required)Database connectorDrizzle DB Connector-
serverUrlServer URL (For Admin Panel)string/
collectionsCollections to be definedSanitizedCollection[][]
pluginsPlugins to be usedGlobalPlugin[][]
routesPlugin routes (For Admin Panel)RouteOptions[][]

Routes Configuration

The routes property is used to define routes for the Admin Panel. You wouldn't need to worry about this unless you're creating a custom Admin Panel or a Plugin. The routes property takes an array of objects of type RouteOptions. Here's an example of how to define routes -

const routes: RouteOptions = {
  icon: "CodeBracketSquareIcon",
  label: "GraphQL Editor",
  path: route,
  import: "@honohub/graphql/playground",
  props(config) {
    return {
      endpoint: `${config.serverUrl}/graphql`,

You can use the props function to pass props to the component. The props function takes a config object as an argument and returns a valid JSON object.

Plugins Configuration

The plugins property is used to define plugins for the HonoHub project. You can create custom plugins to add new features, modify existing features, or improve the user experience. The plugins property takes an array of objects of type GlobalPlugin. Here's an example of how to define plugins -

const plugins: GlobalPlugin = {
  name: "hono-logger",
  register: (config) => {
    console.log("Plugin registered", config);
  bootstrap: (props) => new Hono().use("*", logger()).route("/",,

You can use the register function to update the HonoHub configuration and the bootstrap function to update the app / server instance.


namePlugin namestring
registerRuns before the app is created(config) => SanitizedHub | undefined;
bootstrapRuns when bootstraping the app({ app, config }) => Hono | undefined